New Post/Thread Notification: CreditWrench
MrEman has just posted in the CreditWrench forum of CreditWrench under the title of Answer To Complaint.
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Here is the message that has just been posted:
There is another thing that is happening regularly with my students that I might caution about and that is after they win in court the lawyers all come flocking out to ask them how they did that or where they got their information that enabled them to win against seasoned attorneys. Some of them are downright angry about it too. In such cases the students all seem to think they have to give them some kind of answers but the truth of the matter is that any answer they give will be used against them if at all possible and if not then it will be used against another student in the future.
So never give a plaintiff's lawyer any answer to their questions at all. Doing so can only hurt either you or someone else. Any answer at all is bad for everybody.
And it happens almost every time one of my students goes to court. The lawyers want to know how they got the information that enabled them to win or they want to know who helped them prepare the paperwork. It simply isn't any of their damned business so don't tell them anything at all.
You don't have to be nasty about it or give them some flip answer. All you have to do is tell them that you aren't going to discuss that and bid them a good day and walk off. Good advice, Bill. My court date for the Petition to Vacate is coming up on Feb 14th. Not having an attorney, nor being one, I'm sure they'll be interested in how I prepared such a slam --citing caselaw, with powerful exhibits and all. I'll neither volunteer any information nor answer any questions.