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This blog is dedicated to illustrating the depths of depravity to debt collectors and their cronies who infest various message boards spewing their spam, insults and filth can and do sink. They will stop at nothing to berate others while trying to elevate their own perceived worth.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Picture of Uncle Normie

I am the Enormis braying jackass

also known as enormis debtor, e_normis_debtor, Uncle Normie, creditwrenchscam and any other fake name I can think of.

I am really a debt collector and I know the law better than any of these deadbeats. I am also a great PUTZMEISTER and my works are regularly featured in THE PUTZ REVIEW which is a widely circulated publication and featured in all engines.

I am also a member of THE IGNORATI which is an oranization of PUTZMEISTERS from around the world! You should subscribe to THE IGNORATI and learn all about this great society of Ignoramus Putzmeisters!

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The Putz Review for July 2nd, 2006

Uncle Normie's Bil-LIES episode 1

Uncle Normie's Bil-LIES episode #2

Uncle Normie's Bil-LIES episode #3

Hey gang, I just put up this fantastic new blog about Billie Bauer.

You should go see it. It is a real hoot!

I am an insomniac and I hang around message boards that are supposed to be for debt collectors to talk about their work and how they collect their debts and I really hate it when deadbeats get on our message boards and bash debt collectors. The deadbeats nowadays all think they can get out of paying their debts by filing frivolous lawsuits on debt collectors. If I can get them to believe that is true so some of them go try it and get burnt in court then maybe us debt collectors can put a stop to it and save our jobs.

I really hate it when I'm drunk and somebody catches me in some mistake and jumps me about it.

Yes, I have a big drinking problem. I am a drunken sot debt collector and my favorite avatar is a picture of a bottle of black label. Having to fight with all them deadbeats on the telephone all day will drive anybody to drink.

I am also a wanted criminal but I'll never get caught.

I've also got a blog and I use it to beat up on a fellow who calls himself CREDITWRENCH. Of course, I had to snatch part of his tradename in order to make my blog look convincing and make him look bad if I possibly can.


if its the last thing I ever do!

And here is how I'm gonna do it. >>>Creditwrench-thetruth>>> and then the next step

Here is just a few of the many blogs he has.




nco sucks blog


Creditwrench adds

Uncle Normie's blog

The Ignorati at work and play


Creditwrench has over 4,000 webpages scattered all over the internet

I am an enormis scam artist too and I love to scam people into filing lawsuits. People are so gullible they will file a lawsuit that might get them a $1,000 award plus maybe attorney fees if they win thinking that will stop a debt collector from collecting what they owe.

I just came back from a delicious meal of beans & hog jowls down at our local rescue mission. Look for me in the line of people. I am the one with the bottle of black label in my hip pocket. The line of tables starts over in the right hand side of the picture.

Uncle Normie in the soup line

I gots to hang out down at the soup line cuz I'm a lookin for some of the deadbeats owes me money so I can get paid. Might as well join the crowd and git me a good meal in the process.

My wife and I are also in the iron and steal bizness. She irons all day and I steals all night. By the time she gits done workin she is too pooped to pop so I gots to come down here and get me one of my girlfriends. Here is a picture of some of them.

Uncle Normies girl friends

Most of them gots an awful case of crotch rabbits but that's OK cause I don't mind scratchin specially when they only costs $5 a pop.

I been awful busy the last few days posting messages all over the internet telling people how they ought to be ashamed of themselves for filing frivolous lawsuits on people and how they ought to stay away from such places as artofcredit and creditnet and creditboards and the like too. I've posted on quite a few boards such as ripoff report, talkaboutbusiness,,credit insiders and as many places as I can find where the deadbeats like to post their messages. People ought to know better than to believe such stuff. They need to learn to stay away from all them places and pay their bills instead of learning how to be better deadbeats. Here is what I been teaching on all the places I been posting on.

Art of Credit is a message forum for deadbeats only. It will teach you how to be a better deadbeat and how to avoid your responsibilities to those you owe. Creditnet and creditboards is more of the same. Stephen is really Stephen Katz also known as flyingifr and Dr. Tax and by several other alias names. He tells the truth when he says he tells people to file lawsuits on creditors and debt collectors but he never tells you how to do it. The moderators at art of credit are rude and obnoxious and will ban you and delete your posts if you disagree with them in any way. Be a responsible human being and not a deadbeat. If you can't pay your bills then do the honorable thing and try to work things out with your creditors or debt collectors and if you can't do that then at least go file bankruptcy. But don't follow the advice of deadbeats like Stephan. It will only lead you to grief.

And that is why I'm on Creditwrench too. I keep trying to get him to let me teach him the law so he gets all confused and starts telling people wrong information just like what's on all those other message boards.

The people just need to start paying their bills instead of listening to Bauer and Katz and artofcredit and the rest of them.

Us debt collectors has got to git real cagey. I'm showing them how a smart debt collector does it. I run over to artofcredit and use another fake name "ISO more credit" and posts the following message over there.

Has anyone here ever used CREDIT WRENCH or the course?
... But there is a new blog by an attorney that is tearing apart Wrench's website has anyone ever used CreditWrench or ...

Everybody over on artofcredit hates CREDITWRENCH so I goes over there and bops him a hard one and they think I'm great. Then I runs all over the internet telling people the real truth about artofcredit too. I'm the best and I'll fix all them deadbeats and get them to fighting each other so hard they won't have time to fuck with us. Creditwrench photo

The mad ravings of Ignorati Putzmeister E. Normis Debtor
The E. Normis Judas Goat THE PUTZ REVIEW


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    Putzmeisters and how to identify them. Putzmeisters can always be identified by the fact that they make statements or…
  • The PUTZMEISTER screws it up again!


    Judas Goat Joined: October 12 2004 Location: United States Online Status: Online Posts: 1217 Posted: July 02 2006 at…
  • The Putzmeister


    E. Normis PUTZMEISTER Joined: October 12 2004 Location: United States Online Status: Offline Posts: 1213 Posted: July 01 2006…
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  • THE IGNORATI AT WORK AND PLAY: Ignorati member E. Normis displays his great intelligence


    THE IGNORATI AT WORK AND PLAY: Ignorati member E. Normis displays his great intelligence
  • Another great new member inducted into the IGNORATI HALL O F IGNORANCE


    This IGNORAMUS is now a member of the IGNORATI HALL OF IGNORANCE. The following message he posted on a PUTZMEISTER'S forum named "SQUATLOOS" by some dumb llama named "Joey" is one of the many he has posted on SQUATLOOS and which has earned his nomination and acceptance to the IGNORAI HALL OF IGNORANCE. Seems we were all wrong about Billie Bauer aka Creditwrench. He ia a genius. Imagine the mental discipline it takes to force all rational thought from his head. I found this here also the flames are a scream and last but not least Hilarious....... It was a good attorney who revealed him for who he really is under another screen name and lo and behold it turns out to be none other than the infamous Judas Goat otherwise known as "Normie" "Uncle Normie" "E. Normis" "E. Normis Debtor" "Enormis Debter" and many more far too numerous. Lawyerdude Great Destroyer of Keyboards Joined: 12 Aug 2004 Posts: 794 Location: Ventura California Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2006 4:19 am Post subject: So then the anonymous coward who calls himself Rico Suave is also the anonymous coward who calls himself Uncle Normie. Strange but par for the course. Do tell, Rico anonymous coward. Did you make a false report to the FBI? Posted at Credit Wrench: " The infamous Twatlooser who calls himself "The-Duke-of-Prunes" and "Uncle Normie" and an untold and unknown number of other false screen names trying to hide his true identity just got nailed this morning after providing false and misleading information to the FBI about CREDITWRENCH. What the 27 year old single male nitwit from San Diego did was to claim that Creditwrench CEO Bill Bauer was actually a wanted man on the lam from Boston Police for Rico violations. So an investigation was launched by the FBI who knocked on Bauer's door this morning wanting to see if the report was true or not. They were pretty edgy until Bauer opened the door and then they could plainly see for themselves that they had been scammed into making an investigation based on false information. Bauer taped the conversation and provided a copy of the recording to our investigative reporter for reproduction here. Bauer reports that once the excitement settled down and he told the agents that this was obviously a false report knowingly provided to them by the California nitwit they were only too happy to allow him to file a complaint against the person who filed the false report. The Duke of Prunes may not be around for much longer. Have a Merry Christmas eating jailhouse turkey Dukie." Rico y Suave better known as E. Normis Debtor has a great website at this location Of course, he has many more than that. This one describes his ignoramus activities while attempting to portray himself as some kind of consumer advocate but all the while actually being nothing more than a Judas Goat ignorati ignoramus squatloos Judas Goat Normie Subscribe to RSS headline updates from: Powered by FeedBurner Subscribe to RSS headline updates from: Powered by FeedBurner Subscribe to RSS headline updates from: Powered by FeedBurner Subscribe to RSS headline updates from: Powered by FeedBurner
  • Ignorati member E. Normis displays his great intelligence


    Ignorati Poster of the Month at Normie was trying to explain how he imitates CREDITWRENCH CEO BILLIE BAUER . Normie posted the following on his favorite message board, "The telephone goes green, green, and I pink it up and say, 'Yellow, this is CREDITWRENCH CEO BILLIE BAUER POWER BEAVER." No doubt, you have seen his PUTZMEISTER postings on ;-) ignorati putzmeister
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Uncle Normie

Uncle Normie

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