Help I'm being sued!!
Question: My wife and I have been served with papers today stating that we are being sued for multiple deliquent accounts. I have no idea how to fight this and all of them total up to a very big sum. The interest alone os over $700. I am a city police officer and the only source of income in my household. My pay amount is decent but the cost of living here is atrocious!!!! Everything that I make is sucked up by the cost of living. I make roughly $1400. every two weeks, but my rent is 1050, car payment(on the only car we have, the other was repossessed) is $454, insurance is $80, phone bills at least $150, gas (we won't even go there)electricity is $190 or so, food is probably $400-500 (I have a four, five, and six year old)....I mean I can't afford to pay attention!
All of the deliquent accounts are from 2005, 2006 and 2007. I have told the collection agency that I will start a second job in Spring to pay, but they went ahead and filed with a local attorney. I can't pay, I can't afford garnishment, I can't do this! I was just about to file bankruptcy next month which will be too close to the court date won't it? Please help!!!
Answer: If you are a law enforcement officer you recognize that two wrongs don't make a right. Example. If I am stopped for an traffic offense and I am respectful and cooperative with the officer, have no weapons, drugs, liquor or anything illegal in my possession but the officer beats me up Rodney King style because he is angry for whatever reason, can he be sued for his wrongful acts against me? Of course he can be sued. It is the same in the world of debtors. You may owe money but does that give them the right to violate your rights under the law? No, it does not, but they do it routinely and with impunity because few people will ever sue them for their violations of law. Attorneys violate the law in the process of debt collection all the time. They lie to the courts routinely and get away with it in local courts. Local court judges go along with it and say nothing. They care not one whit for debtors such as yourself or their rights. The only thing they care about is getting justice for the creditor and their attorney and nothing at all about the rights of the citizen before them. The citizen can demand to have an accounting of the amounts claimed and the judges just deny it and give judgment to the plaintiff even though the law plainly states that if a debtor demands an accounting it must be provided to him. Debtors can dispute the jurisdiction of the court and even if it is plain that the court does not have proper jurisdiction to hear the case and the defendant disputes jurisdiction the courts deny such allegations and move on to judgment. That in spite of the fact that the United States Supreme Court has ruled on many occasions that if jurisdiction is challenged all further action must be stopped until that issue is resolved. You will not get justice in the court proceedings you are faced with any more than citizens do in local traffic courts. As an officer in court you are always right and the defendant hasn't got a crying chance. It is the same in the court you are now faced with. The attorney is an officer of the court and you are nobody. But there is a way to get justice and that way is to sue the attorney for his illegal acts in U.S. Federal District court where the only question before the court is whether or not they broke the law. The fact that you owe money matters not. I can guarantee you that the attorney and the plaintiff have broken the laws in several ways. So what are you going to do? Are you going to stand still for having your rights under the law ignored and stomped on or are you going to fight back and make them obey the law just like they expect you to do? Don't even consider bankruptcy. That is an exercise in stupidity. If you want to start learning how to defend your rights just click on the following link.
If you want to start learning click here
That will give you a preview of what you need to learn about. There will be lots more links there you can follow to see what you might be able to do.
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