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This blog is dedicated to illustrating the depths of depravity to debt collectors and their cronies who infest various message boards spewing their spam, insults and filth can and do sink. They will stop at nothing to berate others while trying to elevate their own perceived worth.

Sunday, January 16, 2005

Binding arbitration and the constitution

The antics of Enormis might very well lead one to the conclusion that he might be a refugee from a long term intensive care facility.

More Enormis Moronics.

He makes the claim that the right to remain silent does not extend to contract law. He also gets so dumb that he does not know that the Miranda Law is over 500 pages long and it is where the part about the debt collector's 30 day warning comes from. The Fifth Amendment is primarily a criminally related document but also covers many other aspects of rights guaranteed by the constitution as well. Whether or not one can be forced to agree with the terms mandated by a creditor is not even arguable. Even in a court of law a creditor must prove his case or he doesn't have a case. He cannot force the debtor to admit that his claim is true and correct unless the debtor is ignorant enough to do so. As usual, Normie is just as stupid or more so than the fools he cronies with on the debt collector's message boards. Worse yet, he thinks that he is such an expert that people will accept what he says as being gospel truth without doing their own research into the matter and anybody who will accept anything that a sleazebag debt collector says without proof of the matter is simply asking for his downfall and they will provide it to him very quickly.

There is no end to the sleazebag tricks that debt collectors will come up with in an attempt to discredit knowledgeable people both in and out of court.

I recently had an attorney so stupid that he actually claimed in an official court pleading that Pro Se litigants are held to the same standards as are professional attorneys. Needless to say that is false and a misleading statement to the court.

Sunday, January 16, 2005

Binding arbitration and the Constitution

CREDITWRENCH has advised on his website that in order to counter an acceptance of a contract to include binding arbitration, one should right a letter that includes, among other things, the following:

"Your statement that if I do not comply with your demands to either accept or reject you will consider that I accept and that I will be forced to obey the terms of your supposed "Agreement" is totally illegal in that it violates my 5th Amendment right to remain silent on any matter".

CREDITWRENCH needs to read the US Constitution as this isn't his first mistake in his reference to it. Nowhere does the US Constituion state that one has a "right to remain silent on any matter."

The phrase "right to remain silent" is from a Supreme Court ruling in Miranda v. Arizona et al, and deals with confession of a criminal act during police interrogation. Courts have been consistent in their rulings that the self-incrimination protection extended by the 5th amendment relates to criminal matters. It has nothing to do with contract law.

CREDITWRENCH stating that the US Constitution gives the right to remain silent on any matter is false and misleading.

Tired of being a whipping boy

The antics of Enormis might very well lead one to the conclusion that he might be a refugee from a long term intensive care facility.

I received an email from one of the "authorities" of the pcmholdings forum today. It and my answer to it are below.

-- Previous Private Message --
Sent by : Mod Squad
Sent : January 16 2005 at 10:56am
This will serve as your one and final warning to cease and desist (no pun...sorry) posting

I am giving that very serious consideration indeed.

If you persist in posting outside the confines of the agreed decision, or mention the message contact and contents contained in this message, your account can/wll be suspnded pending review.

Thanks for your time and attention.

In view of your several postings as well as those of many others including Enormis it would not be at all difficult to imagine that I am here for the sole purpose of being a whipping boy and that nothing I say is going to be lent any credibility or import anyway.

In view of the treatment I have received from you and other posters in this forum I would gladly delete any and all posts I have ever made here but I am denied the ability to do even that.

No need to waste any time reviewing my account or suspending me.
My newest blog currently has only been devoted to countering the accusations of the jackass but I'm likely to expand the theme in the very, very near future.

Enormis deludes himself into believing that his blog will be seen by anybody but it won't and for very good reasons. The new blog I put up is already in over 200 search engines and that number is growing constantly. But in order for it to grow at it's maximum potential rate it needs a wider variety of topics.

Have a nice day.

This kind of treatment by debt collectors is the norm. If you are not a debt collector and you attempt to post on any of their forums they will do all they can to turn you into their whipping boy. They are simply mindless little maggots who have nothing to say and won't pay any attention to anything you have to say unless you are promising to pay them.

If anyone doubts that and is or has ever been a victim of their criminal activities then you already know that what I am saying here is the absolute truth.

Playing around on their message boards is nothing but an exercise in futility.

They could care less about anything anyone has to say.

What exactly does CREDITWRENCH teach?

The antics of Enormis might very well lead one to the conclusion that he might be a refugee from a long term intensive care facility.

Normie claims I am making various and sundry statements that are not necessarily consistant.
I don't encourage them to do so is what he should have said. Do I teach them how to do it? That is for him to find out. What is more important is that he hangs out on various debt collector message boards and posts foolish gibberish just like the rest of them all do. His latest litter box is a fairly new one calling itself PCMHOLDINGS and is nothing but a board full of the same idiotic garbage as is the COLLECTIONINDUSTRY forum. There is never anything of any value whatever posted on any of them. Nothing but a bunch of fools attempting to batter each other.

These forums are frequently visited by Art of Credit boobs attempting to bash debt collectors and complain of their treatment by debt collectors. That shows very vividly that those such as this braying donkey who attempt to bash debt collectors in their own forums do not understand that the debt collectors are not going to pay them any attention at all and will do nothing but deny the accusations and claim they are not guilty of any unlawful activities.

Even by the mere fact that he posts on those debt collector forums proves that he is too stupid to realize that those he attempts to attack are only using him for a whipping boy.

Debt collectors never listen to anybody but other debt collectors, but certainly not consumers. Watching their stupid antics is enough to gag a dog off a gut wagon. In reality, it don't make this jackass one bit of difference what I teach or do not teach yet for lack of anything better to do he continues to yammer away.

Sunday, January 16, 2005

What exactly does CREDITWRENCH teach?

In a recent discussion, CREDITWRENCH denied the fact that he "teaches" his "students" to file lawsuits against creditors.

However, to quote from previous statements by CREDITWRENCH:

"one of the things that I teach how to do, file your own lawsuits and win.".

Continuous inconsistent statements by CREDITWRENCH are misleading.