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This blog is dedicated to illustrating the depths of depravity to debt collectors and their cronies who infest various message boards spewing their spam, insults and filth can and do sink. They will stop at nothing to berate others while trying to elevate their own perceived worth.

Monday, January 10, 2005

Uncle Normie falls for it again.

This blog is dedicated to exposing the lies about creditwrench promoted by a debt collector's blog who calls himself "CREDITWRENCHSCAM" and is also known as "Enormis", "Enormis Debtor", "Uncle Normie" and any other false screen name he can think of.

Uncle Normie is actually one of my students. Of course he signed up so he could attempt to learn all my "secrets" and expose them on his new bfog. I guess he is entirely too stupid to realize that it would not take more than a couple of emails for me to figure that out so he thought he could get away with it by just using another phony name.

In his latest howl he picked up on the following which I posted on a forum we both participate in. Here it is:
Monday, January 10, 2005
CREDITWRENCH and credit repair

CREDITWRENCH CEO Bill Bauer posted yesterday this comment:

"...because of my own miserable failures at trying to fix my credit through credit repair letters I just gave it up...."

However, in postings to newsgroups, his signature line states:

The amazing Credit Wrench will eliminate all the adverse credit reports
on your credit bureau files. No gimmicks. no spamming techniques needed.

If he can't even fix his own credit problems, (and he's tried) how can he possibly fix anyone elses?

posted by Uncle Normie at 4:24 PM

Too bad that Normie is so dense that he don't realize that if one thing fails to work intelligent people figure out another approach that does work.
Most of the internet gooroos are so dumb that they just keep on pounding away at the same old square wooden peg trying to beat it into the nice round hole they think it should fit into. Smart people figure out ways that are entirely different approaches to the problem and of course that is what I have done long ago.

Fooling with the credit bureaus is little more than an exercise in futility. Seems Normie just loves futility and futile efforts. A prime example of that is his new toy . He fails to understand the enormis potential presented by the automatically generated RSS feeds and so he shut his off. He also seems to have no concept of RSS search engines or how much traffic they generate and the fact that their popularity is growing by leaps and bounds. He doesn't realize that today the newest way to get updates to the engines is through an automated feed mechanism called CaRP which feeds more than 150 search engines every time a blog or webpage is updated.

He also don't seem to realize that webpages can be fitted with a constant stream of updates from RSS feeds through the CaRP feed mechanism.

That boy has got an awful lot to learn to say the least.

Uncle Normie's silly comparisons

This blog is dedicated to exposing the lies about creditwrench promoted by a debt collector's blog who calls himself "CREDITWRENCHSCAM" and is also known as "Enormis", "Enormis Debtor", "Uncle Normie" and any other false screen name he can think of.

Yesterday "Uncle Normie" posted the following question on his blog.

Who would you trust? Bill Bauer, or a Supreme Court Justice?

CREDITWRENCH stating that the Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States has nothing to do with free speech protection is false and misleading.

posted by Uncle Normie at 3:46 PM

The real question is not about whether someone would trust given the two choices allowed by his question but rather would anyone trust the veracity of a person who asks such a question. How well has a person who claims that somehow the 14th Amendment to the Constitution protect him against his making false and libelous statements on an internet blog or anywhere else for that matter when the controlling law in such matters is not an issue of free speech because the right to free speech in public does not extend to protection against violation of other laws such as Title 47 of the United States Code or even against state law making it illegal to post such comments as his.

One cannot hope to libel and defame others and use a freedom of speech or parody to
escape prosecution.

His ignorance is showing again.