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This blog is dedicated to illustrating the depths of depravity to debt collectors and their cronies who infest various message boards spewing their spam, insults and filth can and do sink. They will stop at nothing to berate others while trying to elevate their own perceived worth.

Sunday, February 06, 2005

CREDITWRENCH, the FDCPA, and the law Part V

Illusions of grandeur

He says "Thanks to all of you for all the great emails." But all of those great emails are simply figments of his imagination and a few trying to sell him little blue penis pills, junk stocks and other spam.

Further proof of how severe his case of illusions of grandeur is shows in the following statement.
"Watch as I next teach CREDITWRENCH CEO Bill Bauer his greatest lesson ever on the law and the FDCPA."

Before you teach anything you have to be able to get an audience greater than your momma, a few debt collectors and other various and sundry relatives.

If Uncle Normie could be bought for what he is worth and sold for what he thinks he is worth there would be more than enough profit to pay off the national debt.

One of the things he fails to realize in his haste to waste is that sooner or later almost all of the well known message board posters quote me and what I teach sooner or later. Here is an example by the well known "flyingifr" aka "Dr. tax" and several other names as well.

Author: Flyingifr Posted: Tue Dec 21 12:05 PM Send Haywood E-mail Edit This Post

Be very careful with W & A - they try to get their judgments by forcing the case through Arbitration where the arbitrator is hand-picked by them.

You need to fight them every step of the way. When you get the demand and notice of Arbitrator's Hearing you need to disavow agreeing to any Arbitration and demand a Court trial. If they proceed, you will need to oppose any kind of Motion to Confirm Arbitrator's Award.

While I have never run into them personally, from posts on other boards I have concluded that W & A is about the sleaziest and sneakiest of the bunch.

While I don't advise anyone to pay Bill Bauer for his Creditwrench program, he did post on the Creditwrench site (the 11/2/04 post) I have posted it on this board for all to see. Bauer's web address

So, while Uncle Enormis Pussy is pussyfooting around trying to figure out what he thinks he is going to teach me, let Creditwrench teach him the real law.

Of course, he will just he-haw about it and claim it is just junk for the simple reason that it will all just sail right between his two big ears and never penetrate his thick jackass skull.