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This blog is dedicated to illustrating the depths of depravity to debt collectors and their cronies who infest various message boards spewing their spam, insults and filth can and do sink. They will stop at nothing to berate others while trying to elevate their own perceived worth.

Thursday, January 13, 2005

Misquoting Creditwrench

This blog is dedicated to exposing the lies about creditwrench promoted by a debt collector's blog who calls himself "CREDITWRENCHSCAM" and is also known as "Enormis", "Enormis Debtor", "Uncle Normie" and any other false screen name he can think of.

Bill Bauer CEO of CREDITWRENCH has stated:

"What it means is that the collector may not proceed with collection during that 30 day period"

This is entirely inaccurate. Bill Bauer, CEO of CREDITWRENCH quoted the law exactly as it is written. "Uncle Normie" takes bits and pieces of what Bill Bauer has said and fabricates them to make it look like he has said whatever the braying donkey wants it to look like what was said.

While if indeed any such thing was said by Bill Bauer the rest may not have been included for reasons of brevity in the posting or because those viewing could be assumed to realize the rest of the story. But Bill Bauer could never be considered to be so ignorant that he did not realize that there was a lot more to the story than merely what was said.

Fair assessment requires links to what is claimed to have been said so that the reader can determine for himself what the context and meaning of posts or messages on message boards or blogs might be. Since Enormis never gives such links it is impossible to tell whether or not he is telling the truth or fabricating some new and false yarn. The lie proceeds below.

The collection agency may proceed with collection activity, credit reporting, come to your house, they may even file a lawsuit against you during the 30 day validation period. Unless they have been notified by you during this period that you dispute the debt and request validation, they can continue with whatever collection activity they desire.

CREDITWRENCH stating that the collector may not proceed with collection during the 30 day validation period is false and misleading.

posted by Uncle Normie at 4:56 PM

How to make money with a braying jackass

This blog is dedicated to exposing the lies about creditwrench promoted by a debt collector's blog who calls himself "CREDITWRENCHSCAM" and is also known as "Enormis", "Enormis Debtor", "Uncle Normie" and any other false screen name he can think of.

PCMAdmin wrote:

For 1.14.05, back by popular demand, are Wrench & E. Everybody feel free to chime in on this lively debate!

It' been suggested that many want to discuss these two forum members, and to give them a venue to iron out some differences. Creditwrench and E.Normis Debate (with member comments) Who is more informed...and who is nothing but a sham?

-Topic submitted by Mod Squad.

Well, I can see that maybe this fight is doing me some good after all. Three new signups today @ $400 each and each of the three specifically mentioned the ongoing battle then just laughed about it. Thought it is funny. The comment each of them made was something to the effect of "WOW, that guy sure don't like you very much, does he?"

As I've said several times in the past, he does me more good than harm. The $1200 payday he has provided me with today isn't at all hard to take. One of them even mentioned his blog and then said that he saw that I'm even beating him to death with one of my blogs.

People are just laughing at him and paying me. So keep up the good work Jackass.

Lawyers making huge errors

This blog is dedicated to exposing the lies about creditwrench promoted by a debt collector's blog who calls himself "CREDITWRENCHSCAM" and is also known as "Enormis", "Enormis Debtor", "Uncle Normie" and any other false screen name he can think of.

Assistant Todd wrote:
Wrench: The website you posted has a lot of inaccuracies, such as the minimum required for a WEX in nj. Might not want to use that one as a reference anymore.

OK, thanks for the tip. That website has an awful lot of material on it and so it is understandable that it might have some inaccuracies on it.

When I quote some other website dealing with law I like to go right to the source such as a governmental or other official resource if at all possible.

Some states don't have their statutes on line yet and neither do many court systems. If I remember correctly NJ don't have their statutes on line although I could easily be wrong about that. Whatever.

Even placing one's reliance on statute law can easily mislead one. The only really reliable source for research on statute law is from the annotated statutes.

I don't rely on the FDCPA posted on the FTC.Gov website except for quickie reference but rather the FDCPA annotated statutes.

I do thank you for your tip. Just goes to show that even though one might be a practicing attorney or lawfirm or even a judge they also make mistakes or say the wrong things from time to time. Sometimes those errors cost those who rely on them and their statements huge amounts of money and even their lives.

If professionals charging huge amounts of money for wrong and outright false information cost people their homes, their money, their businesses and even their lives then that should prove to most reasonable folks that someone such as myself who is not an attorney or a judge or anything other than just me will also make errors from time to time and that should lead them to understand that what Enormis is doing is outrageous and how "Enormisly" wrong his vicious attacks are.

The Enormis Fighting Jackass

This blog is dedicated to exposing the lies about creditwrench promoted by a debt collector's blog who calls himself "CREDITWRENCHSCAM" and is also known as "Enormis", "Enormis Debtor", "Uncle Normie" and any other false screen name he can think of.

My blogs don't really get me much traffic to start off with and his won't either. My number one traffic getter used to come from this webpage but it is slowing down a lot now because it has sunk from #2 in the Google listings down to the bottom of page 2 and unless I do something to beef it back up it will continue to sink into oblivion.

My number two traffic getter is people hunting for collection agencies for a multitude of reasons but most are people looking for collection agencies to pay them off and supposedly clean up their credit reports. In their efforts to find the collection agency that is bugging them or trashing their credit reports, calling them at work or filing lawsuits against them and so they put in the debt collector's phone number or whatever and come up with a Google listing such as this one. and then they send me an email describing their woes and since I have such a webpage for almost every large city in the entire U.S. scattered all over a bunch of hosting sites almost anything anyone puts into a search engine dealing with or leading to a collection agency most who search for collection agencies are likely going to come up with me and one of my webpages.

And those webpages all link back to my webpages, my blogs, my message board and everywhere. Out of the tremendous number of people who are searching for collection agencies and hitting my webpages because of it are likely to use "Uncle Normie", "CREDITWRENCH SCAM", "Enormis", "Enormis Debtor" or anything else he writes about on his blog???? Fat chance!

All he is doing is wasting his time, braying into the wind and trashing this message board in the process. The most likely result will be that those who now post on this board and like it will quickly move on to other boards, maybe start more new ones and leave this one for parts known or unknown.

While the professional people who are members of this board do not appreciate posts from those who bash them (and with good reason) they also do not appreciate their forum getting trashed by endless bickering. They want a forum that is about their business and their profession and if they can't get it here then they will soon go elsewhere or else just forget about participating in any such forums.

Although it might be a bit of temporary entertainment to watch two people getting into spats, Professional people don't have time for such things as the ruckus Enormis is creating and tire of it very quickly.

I'm not into bashing debt collectors (not really) and I have better things to do than screwing with the silly braying of such as Enormis.

Long experience has taught me that such antics are the quickest way there is to ruin any forum. I'd much rather just be a "lurker", maybe asking a serious question in one of the forums now and then or making some comment that I hope would be informative and useful to someone rather than engaging in verbal fisticuffs with some Enormis braying jackass.