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This blog is dedicated to illustrating the depths of depravity to debt collectors and their cronies who infest various message boards spewing their spam, insults and filth can and do sink. They will stop at nothing to berate others while trying to elevate their own perceived worth.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

E. Normis Debtor pulls another dumb act.

Recently E. Normis Debtor posted the following on his blog which he calls westerncapital-thetruth from which he posts his venomous remarks about Robert Paisola, Thief-in-Chief of Western Capital Financial. Here is what he had to cry about.

Sunday, October 28, 2007
New federal lawsuit filed against Paisola
As promised, here is a copy of the most recent federal suit filed against Western Capital CEO Robert Paisola.

The latest information I have indicates that Paisola is, once again, attempting to evade service. Accordingly, I will be dispatching my top investigator to Utah to assist in locating him.

// posted by E. Normis Debtor @ 3:19 PM

Normie is all mouth and no action. Like Robert Paisola, he has no investigators, top, bottom, middle or any other kind. He first promised to post the case he refers to back on October 17th and still hasn't produced it. As usual, if you want the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth and you want production rather than hot air you need to reply on creditwrench to provide it. Here is the entire complaint against Robert Paisola.