Creditwrench denounces credit repair schemes.
Creditwrench denounces credit repair schemes
Creditwrench has always denounced credit repair schemes. Regardless of what many claim, CREDITWRENCH has stated time and time again that credit repair schemes are nothing but an exercise in futility. Paying someone to do credit repair is nothing more than an insult to human intelligence.
Following the advice of those who advocate credit repair and the filing of lawsuits against one's creditors and debt collectors or the credit bureaus is nothing more than trying to live in a delusionary world seemingly made believable by a few morons who will always have an answer for what ails you but never tell you how to do what they tell you to do.
File a lawsuit on your creditors and their debt collectors they say and all will be well. But they never tell you how to go about doing that. Since they don't really know how to do that in the first place they tell you to go seek the so called help of a competent attorney but they never tell you that you will have an extremely hard time finding such a creature if indeed one exists in your town or city.
That is not said to cast aspersions on attorneys or to say that one should not bother to seek their help but only to point out that attorneys are just like doctors and other professionals. They all have their field of specialization and they may very well be expert in their field(s) of specialization but probably couldn't care less about FDCPA and the $300 or $400 they might make filing lawsuits on debt collectors and most especially against other attorneys.
The average attorney would not dream of filing an FDCPA lawsuit against another attorney whose specialty is debt collection and therefore must be presumed to know all about FDCPA.
Creditwrench says that Credit repair message boards are nothing more than paradises for fools dreaming of a quick and easy fix for their problems. That is why CREDITWRENCH has never offered to do and has never done credit repair for anybody.
So now we need to look a little closer to see just what kind of a person this supposed bearer of great and hitherto unknown "truths" might be and whether or not he has the qualifications to be believable. In doing so, we need only check up on his link showing his great find upon which he has so gleefully pounced and we check to see what search term he might have used to do his "gold digging" and what we find is that the search term he used was [sue "creditwrench"] and that plus all his other brayings claiming that all you need to do to clean up your credit is to sue the debt collector.
That tells us that he obviously spends his time digging through search engines using dumb search terms trying to find even more to bray about and looking to sue anybody he can for whatever imagined injury he may be able to dream up. In other words, he is a litigous nut desperately dreaming up mad hat get rich quick schemes. Next he will probably be seeking donations to help him fund his mad schemes.
Anybody who knows anything at all about CREDITWRENCH knows that he makes no claims whatever to knowledge or expertise in credit repair, knows that CREDITWRENCH never advocates attempting credit repair tricks or hiring anybody else to do it for them and continually advocates against paying any attention whatever to scam message boards attempting to teach the unsuspecting and gullible such nonsense.
Leave it to the great braying jackass to challenge those time worn statements by CREDITWRENCH. Who cares what his next brayings will be about. Nobody, that is who.
I see he ran over to a website offering free website counters and gets himself a nice shiny new one. So I go over to see what he got and sure enough when you sign up for it you get to say what value you want your free hit counter to start off at. Any number you want. So he don't wants it to look like he is getting lots of hits and pulls some number out of his ass and starts his hit counter off with that. Next he will sit there and refresh his page incessantly so it looks like he is really getting a lot of visitors. What a laugh. Nobody puts up a hit counter and suddenly gets over 2,000 hits in just a few minutes.
He is as bad as all the militia "generals" who went around buying up all the stars they could find to decorate their uniforms with. LOL
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