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This blog is dedicated to illustrating the depths of depravity to debt collectors and their cronies who infest various message boards spewing their spam, insults and filth can and do sink. They will stop at nothing to berate others while trying to elevate their own perceived worth.

Sunday, June 03, 2007

E. Normis Debtor -- How little he knows.

E. Normis Debtor - How little he knows!

Recently E. Normis Debtor posted the following on the American Criminals Association (ACA) message forum.

E. Normis Debtor
Senior Member
Posts: 2407
Joined: Jun 2004

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Interesting note. Since my Western Capital blog about Robert Paisola began showing up on the first page of google for a search of the name Robert Paisola, he has purchased google sponsor links to show up on the search.

Creditwrench has about a dozen blogs on him working their way up in google. One thing I have to give Billie credit for is his tenacity to expose by use of multiple blogs.

Western Capital - The Truth

Little do you know how true your words are Normie but you will soon learn a harsh lesson about that very thing as it applies to you. What you don't seem to get through your thick skull is that you have been neatly exposed by your own hand and your own big mouth. Smooth move, Brandon Callier aka E. Normis Debtor. You and your illegal credit repair scam are now on the run. Little do you know that Creditwrench CEO will never let up on you and your little scams. You should have learned your lesson from BKEV and others who tried to do the same as you but failed miserably.

Now its years later and we now have much better tools to work with than we did back then.