Callier v. Bauer court case
Callier vs Bauer Court case in El Paso, Texas
It appears that E. Normis Debtor thinks that he might be inadvertently teaching me how to fight the case of Callier vs Bauer and as a result of his misguided ego has at least temporarily pulled the plug on his foggy bottom blog. That's not the first time he has done that so we can figure that he will soon enough pull his head out of you know where and open it back up again.
Of course, the thought that I would use anything the little monkey put on his foggy bottom thingy is ludicrous. I don't need any help from the likes of him. Most of it is false and misleading information anyway as everybody who has ever visited his blog instinctively knows after reading more than a paragraph or so.
Interestingly enough, one of the Plaintiffs, Craig Cunningham, has filed several cases in El Paso federal court. Most of them were filed in forma pauperous and were either dismissed by Cunningham or his application to file in forma pauperous was denied by the court and the case dismissed. His latest two have not yet progressed far enough to see how he will fare but we will keep up with them for you.