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This blog is dedicated to illustrating the depths of depravity to debt collectors and their cronies who infest various message boards spewing their spam, insults and filth can and do sink. They will stop at nothing to berate others while trying to elevate their own perceived worth.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

The truth about

Defamatory remarks about others posted in egroups, wikis and message forums abound on the internet today. It seems that some believe that all they have to do is post enough negative remarks about someone they dislike or with whom they have had an unpleasant experience and their words will be totally believed and accepted as the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

Such naysayers often believe that they are invincible and can hide behind false names and fake email addresses using proxy servers to further hide their identities and thus become invisible and untouchable. One such case in point is a person who calls himself "Uncle Normie" and often "E. Normis Debtor". This cretin believes that everyone will search Google, MSN, Yahoo! and other engines for the trade or personal names of his victims and be convinced that once the surfer sees what Normie has posted they won't do business with that person.

But nothing could be further from the truth because people are usually smart enough to look at both sides of such coins as Normie presents. He cannot escape his own reputation which is accurately portrayed on a multitude of web pages all over the net
which fully reveal who he is and what he is.

Here are just a very few of those web sites, web pages, wikis and blogs.

Creditwrench-thetruth is exposed on this wiki

Here is a swiki also discussing Normie

PBWIKI is a very popular wiki which is adding many new and powerful features to it's system

At one time there was a message board frequented by debt collection professionals but which was forced to shut down by the rantings and mad ravings of Normie, inventor of a blog known as "creditwrench-thetruth" which he used as a part of his defamation campaign. PCMHOLDINGS message forum was owned by PACIFIC HEALTH CARE SYSTEMS which, despite it's deceitful name is actually a collection agency which has nothing to do with health care. Pacific Health Care was so proud of it's message forum and the collections professionals who posted there that they put out this great promotional movie showing the posts to be found on their message board. If you want to find out the real truth about Uncle Normie and his "creditwrench-thetruth" blog you should see this promo movie.

If you have comments about Uncle Normie or the movie you can email them to him at He will be most happy to hear from you.

Obviously the collections industry itself isn't all that enamorated with Normie as can be seen by their comments in their official collection industry magazine.

In his Enormis efforts to defame, Normie used what is known as "The Dingo Anonymous Remailer" to spam 120,000 news groups with this message.

As one can imagine, most of the newsgroups really appreciated E. Normis Debtor and his efforts to educate. Rowdy Yates expresses his appreciation in this post

Google now claims to have a negativity filter which supposedly helps to eliminate negativism in their listings. This was brought about by the many web pages and posts attempting to defame President George Bush. Let us hope that Google will be successful in eliminating such spammers and defamers as Uncle Normie in the future.

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