The Enormis Fighting Jackass
My blogs don't really get me much traffic to start off with and his won't either. My number one traffic getter used to come from this webpage but it is slowing down a lot now because it has sunk from #2 in the Google listings down to the bottom of page 2 and unless I do something to beef it back up it will continue to sink into oblivion.
My number two traffic getter is people hunting for collection agencies for a multitude of reasons but most are people looking for collection agencies to pay them off and supposedly clean up their credit reports. In their efforts to find the collection agency that is bugging them or trashing their credit reports, calling them at work or filing lawsuits against them and so they put in the debt collector's phone number or whatever and come up with a Google listing such as this one. and then they send me an email describing their woes and since I have such a webpage for almost every large city in the entire U.S. scattered all over a bunch of hosting sites almost anything anyone puts into a search engine dealing with or leading to a collection agency most who search for collection agencies are likely going to come up with me and one of my webpages.
And those webpages all link back to my webpages, my blogs, my message board and everywhere. Out of the tremendous number of people who are searching for collection agencies and hitting my webpages because of it are likely to use "Uncle Normie", "CREDITWRENCH SCAM", "Enormis", "Enormis Debtor" or anything else he writes about on his blog???? Fat chance!
All he is doing is wasting his time, braying into the wind and trashing this message board in the process. The most likely result will be that those who now post on this board and like it will quickly move on to other boards, maybe start more new ones and leave this one for parts known or unknown.
While the professional people who are members of this board do not appreciate posts from those who bash them (and with good reason) they also do not appreciate their forum getting trashed by endless bickering. They want a forum that is about their business and their profession and if they can't get it here then they will soon go elsewhere or else just forget about participating in any such forums.
Although it might be a bit of temporary entertainment to watch two people getting into spats, Professional people don't have time for such things as the ruckus Enormis is creating and tire of it very quickly.
I'm not into bashing debt collectors (not really) and I have better things to do than screwing with the silly braying of such as Enormis.
Long experience has taught me that such antics are the quickest way there is to ruin any forum. I'd much rather just be a "lurker", maybe asking a serious question in one of the forums now and then or making some comment that I hope would be informative and useful to someone rather than engaging in verbal fisticuffs with some Enormis braying jackass.
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