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This blog is dedicated to illustrating the depths of depravity to debt collectors and their cronies who infest various message boards spewing their spam, insults and filth can and do sink. They will stop at nothing to berate others while trying to elevate their own perceived worth.

Friday, January 14, 2005


This blog is dedicated to exposing the lies about creditwrench promoted by a debt collector's blog who calls himself "CREDITWRENCHSCAM" and is also known as "Enormis", "Enormis Debtor", "Uncle Normie" and any other false screen name he can think of.


The enormis deadbeat seems to have some misconception that how many languages the Wrench speaks or does not speak is of some importance. It isn't for the simple reason that with the possible exception of Spanish debt collectors only work in English.

If the problem is referred to a court for collection English is still going to be the language spoken in court as well in most places.

His arguments are nothing but pure foolish braying put out for the sole purpose of annoyance and defamation. His statements are indeed libelous. Nobody cares about them.

Here is his latest bit of jackassery.

CREDITWRENCH boasts that he is fluent in 8 different languages. However, when you add up all the languages he claims to be able to read and write, it comes to 9.

Seems that someone smart enough to be fluent in that many languages should be able to count up to 8.....or 9.

CREDITWRENCH claiming that he can read and write 8, or it is 9 languages, is false and misleading.

posted by Uncle Normie at 9:57 AM