Statute of Limitations
The enormis idiot tries another cheap shot.
He says and I quote, " Statute of limitations
Regarding the statute of limitations on a debt, CREDITWRENCH has stated:
"Your credit card debt never expires. That is quite true from a moral standpoint although not from a legal standpoint. If someone owes a debt then morally speaking the only way to extinguish the debt is to pay it. Everyone understands that.
While several things such as bankruptcy or expiration of the Statute of Limitations can eliminate the legal obligation to pay none of them eliminate the moral obligation to pay. The statute of limitations expires which means that it is no longer possible to file a judgement against you on the debt and win if the debtor is knowledgeable or has an attorney who is and files motion to dismiss using the Statute of Limitations. Just because someone does not make a full and complete statement on a forum or in a posting does not mean that he has told an untruth of any kind.
If we were to go into a long diatribe in every posting in order to preclude the possibility that someone might make light of anything that the poster said then all of the posts one made would have to be so long that nobody would read them.
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