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This blog is dedicated to illustrating the depths of depravity to debt collectors and their cronies who infest various message boards spewing their spam, insults and filth can and do sink. They will stop at nothing to berate others while trying to elevate their own perceived worth.

Friday, January 14, 2005

Theft of images from other websites

This blog is dedicated to exposing the lies about creditwrench promoted by a debt collector's blog who calls himself "CREDITWRENCHSCAM" and is also known as "Enormis", "Enormis Debtor", "Uncle Normie" and any other false screen name he can think of.

Who said I don't understand what it says? You didn't understand it either.
The webpage you stole it from says very plainly what the english translation is.
If you think those images can't be traced back to where they came from think again.
Even if you steal it from somebody else's webpage the author's name, and a whole lot of other information is available
if you have the software to reduce it to it's individual frames and pixels.
Even the program that was used to produce it is available if you have the right software and I do have it.
You will never have the money to buy that kind of software because it sure isn't cheap.
And even if you did have the money it still wouldn't do you any good because you don't have the brains to learn how to use it.
If you want to steal somebody else's works you had best learn how to edit the image.

The reason I can't translate it is because it isn't all there.
Parts of it are missing because the image you stole from that other webpage has errors in it.
That's why you can't take it from the webpage you just opened up over there on geocities and get it to post over here.
If the image were correctly formed it would have shown up correctly on here.
You just got caught with another of your cheap-shot jackass tricks. Now you are getting so damnedly desperate that you are twisting things on your blog to make it sound bad.
I can see how you are desperately trying to figure out how to put up a webpage.
I could tell you how to do that but even with the best of instructors you would screw it all up.
Your efforts are pathetic indeed.

Your stumbling and bumbling around while trying to build a webpage is pathetic.

And what are you going to do with that stolen picture of Gomer Pyle, try to bad mouth him too?
That man was no fool, but he made millions of dollars acting like he was a fool and a dunce.
A whole lot of people still think he was a great actor and the show is still on TV today, still raking in big bucks.
While it is true that the show isn't on the major channels anymore it can often be seen on smaller cable channels.

You can't get anything right including what I say.
If you can't even do html coding then how do you expect to get your obfuscations of what I say seen by anybody but a few of your cronies around here?

Sis on you Pister, you ain't so muckin futch! Go in your own jackyard and backoff.

You and your stupid games!