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What an enormis hoot
CREDITWRENCH CEO Bill Bauer is slowly learning.
We all are in a constant state of learning. Seems like this criminal isn't learning anything however. I guess that is because he thinks he knows it all.
In a conversation today with numerous collection professionals, relative to the Enormis amount of information I have compiled and posted, he openly admitted:
"he is causing me to check out everything I have ever done"
Conversation with numerous collection professionals????
Jesus Christ almighty! Numerous collection professionals indeed. There wasn't any conversation at all. I just posted that on a message board. So that proves him a damned liar yet once again. If posting a message on a public message board to which nobody has replied constitutes a conversation then the only conclusion that can logically be arrived at is that this guy must be smoking his crack pipe again.
Which is what always needs to be done from time to time. Nothing at all new there. This boob is too stupid to realize that the only constant there is is change.
And, although he goes on by stating:
"In the process I am also learning new things"
A criminal calling somebody else a liar is par for the course. Nothing new there either.
When banned from various forums due to his lack of knowledge, he attempts to hide his uninformed and illogical comments under assumed identities.
Anybody with any common sense knows that forums do not ban people for lack of knowledge. That is one of the dumbest statements he has ever made to this date.
So even though he is slowly succumbing to the Enormis pressure of TheTruth, he is still intrinsicly a liar.
He is nothing but a spin doctor and we all know what that is. Makes no difference how bad the defeat a spin doctor will always try to turn it into a win somehow.
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