CREDITWRENCH and estoppel Part III
Now comes the Enormis Dingleberry
and resorts to the same old game that all really professional con artist resort, if you can con them with "logic" then use the old fear factor. They do that believing that people are so gullible that they will fall for anything if you hit them with fear. So just watch this con artist going for the jugular with the fear factor. Absolutely hilarious.
What he describes below is exactly what happens to people who go to all the crap message boards he inhabits. They go there looking for help. They get told by the resident gooroos that what they need to do is to fire off a validation letter and things will be just fine. So they wait a month or so and start asking what they should do next. So they are often told to send a second validation demand or sometimes they are told to send off the foolish Gliha validation letter. In the meantime they are told they just need to dispute with the credit bureaus until it all goes away. So they go through all that mess and end up in exactly the situation described by this Enormis con artist.
If that isn't so then why is it that message boards that have been around a while all have huge numbers of people who are supposed to have signed up to be members and only a very few ever post? That's because all the rest of them have long since realized that they are getting nowhere and end up in front of a judge with nothing but a funny
look on their face. Most won't even go because they know in their own minds that they can't win anyway.
This dude wants to be a gooroo and he knows he can't get the job done as long as I am around exposing him for the con artist and criminal he is.
He wants you to believe him so he can sell you his brand of crap. He is a loser from the git-go and is now reduced to reliance on the old fear factor. If you want to find out the truth just go to my message board and ask my students. I don't teach credit repair and I don't teach anything but the law and the way I teach the law is to teach you how to go look it up for yourself and understand it for yourself.
There are resident attorneys on my board who are nationally known for beating up on debt collectors and they will gladly answer any questions you might have.
Don't listen to the enormis bullshit put out by Enormis the criminal con artist. It will only lead you to grief. Don't listen to the gooroos on other message boards. Learn how to study the law for yourself and how to use law libraries and other reference material so that you can either defend yourself in court and win or go to a n attorney and after a few minutes know for yourself whether he has enough knowledge about the FDCPA or the FCRA to be able to defend you.
Most attorneys don't know FDCPA for the simple reason that they specialize in other areas of the law which are more profitable to them.
CREDITWRENCH CEO Bill Bauer now admits to, not only using an estoppel approach in an attempt to "trick" collection agencies, but, to use his words, it's nothing but "mumbo jumbo".
If you're thinking about using CREDITWRENCH, the "trick" next time could very well be on you. Once a collection agency receives the estoppel letter, their attorney will immediately realize that you have no idea what you are doing, and could very well simply decide to take you to court. Leaving you to stand in front of a judge with nothing in your hand but CREDITWRENCH'S "mumbo jumbo".
As a side note, under the Enormous pressure being brought to bear on CREDITWRENCH, CEO Bill Bauer today further admitted that, as he learned from my blog, nothing requires a collection agency to respond to a validation request. However, he continues to sell his services under the guise that you can sue them if they don't respond. Perhaps you'd like to file suit and stand in front of judge with that piece of "mumbo jumbo" too.
I'll be back later with more as I'm sure this enormis criminal will be too. He is too stupid to know when he is beat so he just keeps on braying away. Don't pay attention to the braying fool. Learn the truth for yourself.
The bottom line is that criminals, liars, cheats, thieves and con artists hide behind fake screen names, proxy servers and other schemes and artifices and will not tell you who they are. They will not post their contact information plainly so that they can be contacted. All honest and reliable companies on the internet or on the streets give you their full contact information and do not attempt to hide from anyone. If they will not give you their contact information they are obviously trying to hide something and are likely to give false information or lead you into schemes and traps designed to bilk you out of your money. Their words have no guarantee behind them and they will not back up anything they have to say with anything but more of the same. If they will not give you any contact information they are to be feared and distrusted. That is just common sense on or off the internet.
Call any time and you will get honest and truthful answers to your questions, not innuendoes, and slams.
If the enormis braying jackass is an honest and reputable person then let him prove it by putting up honest and correct contact information. If he won't do that then nothing he says should be considered reliable. That's just plain common sense.
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