New Post/Thread Notification: CreditWrench IRS TAX FORUM
tenring has just posted in the CreditWrench IRS TAX FORUM forum of CreditWrench under the title of Paranoid about tax.
This thread is located at
Here is the message that has just been posted:
Quick books is easy to use and a standerd in buisness. it makes it easy to keep track of income and expences. you still need to understand the variouse tax requirments. SO GET A BOOK KEEPER. you are clearly in a fog about all this SO GET A BOOK KEEPER. go to a CPA and ask for a referal to a book keeper. they will set you up if they are any good and you have them come in once a month to pay the variouse tax issues. you can have them do much more than that such as pay your bills ECT. Also some tax payments are paid quarterly if your vollume is low enough. do not pay qaurterly. there is nothing worce than having a big tax bill and no money. so pay monthly
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