New Post/Thread Notification: CreditWrench IRS TAX FORUM
formalizingBusiness has just posted in the CreditWrench IRS TAX FORUM forum of CreditWrench under the title of Paranoid about tax.
This thread is located at
Here is the message that has just been posted:
I was working as a self employed individual for some time for variety of reasons, but I formed a company a couple of weeks ago, and I am in the process of formalizing the business operation, i.e., I will be receiving payments and making various payments as a business. I am studying tax right now, and I feel like IRS is already coming after me.
I have not received any payment or made any payment as a company, though the company itself has been formed and the company has a bank account; the bank account only has $100.
q. I don't have to worry about IRS right now, do I? There is no paperwork to do, nor is there any tax to pay, is there? I'm not asking about 6 months from now or a year from now. I'm asking about "right now".
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