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This blog is dedicated to illustrating the depths of depravity to debt collectors and their cronies who infest various message boards spewing their spam, insults and filth can and do sink. They will stop at nothing to berate others while trying to elevate their own perceived worth.

Thursday, March 10, 2005

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Oklahoma House of Representatives
State Capitol, Suite B-25

House Passes Bill Making Harassment By Internet, Text Messaging a
Criminal Act

OKLAHOMA CITY (March 10) -- Under legislation recently approved
by the House, Oklahoma's law enforcement agencies would have another
tool to stop threatening behavior before it escalates into a violent or
deadly crime.
House Bill 1804, would make it illegal to use any electronic or telecommunication device to terrorize or harass another individual. "This bill expands current harassment laws to make clear that not only are harassing telephone calls illegal, but so are harassing e-mails, faxes, and text messaging,"
This legislation was requested by an Oklahoma County assistant district attorney.

Under existing state law, it is illegal to use a telephone and
select communication devices to threaten someone with physical harm or
death, or to use the devices to make obscene or indecent calls. Under HB
1804, those acts would also be illegal if committed through the use of
modern communication devices such as pagers, cellular or wireless
telephones, wire, cable, radio, fax and the Internet, including
electronic messages and instant messages.
Furthermore, it would be illegal to use any of those forms of
communication if the intent is "to terrify, intimidate or harass, or
threaten to inflict injury or physical harm to any person or property of
that person."
Any telecommunication or electronic communication that transmits
"signs, signals, data, writings, images and sounds or intelligence of
any nature"... or that distributes "images, text, voice, video or data
by wire, cable or wireless means" would be included under the bill.

"This legislation will enhance the safety of many Oklahomans,"
Cargill said. The House approved HB 1804 on a 97-0 vote; it will next be
considered by the state Senate.
