The truth shall set ye free Part VIII
Posted: March 02 2005 at 5:14pm | IP Logged | |
Now we have yet another example of Normie and his supposedly great
advice which as usual is nothing but more misinformation. Here is
his recent blooper on Of course, he will be post some denial of the statement he made on his WMD (Weapon of Mass Deception) blog. He will claim he meant something entirely different but the truth that he does not know what applies to what or when cannot be denied.
Normie's claim to Search Engine fame is also false and misleading. One can boast and beat his chest all he wants but until he can prove that his blog has a good page ranking he is nothing. And nothing is the page rank he has. Doesn't exist. Yet the page ranking for this blog is shown below.
Uncle Normie's claim to fame is hilarious. He claims to have links that he don't have but links don't mean anything unless those links have what is known as link popularity and are properly done. He claims that he is going to bring in lots more big guns in his fights with Bill Bauer but he before he can actually do that he has to know what the big guns are and how to use them. One of the big guns is known as link popularity.
Since he obviously don't know what it is he also don't know how to build it and that is evidenced by the fact that he don't have any. And since Bauer started his blog at the same time Normie started his one would naturally think that if Normie knew anything about link popularity he would be trying to build some and in fact would already have some. Such is not the case but Bauer already has an impressive head start on Normie. Here is the link popularity table for Bauer's blog
Which proves that Uncle Normie is once again trying to blow smoke up your ass and nothing more. His blog is absolutely nothing but false and misleading.
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