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This blog is dedicated to illustrating the depths of depravity to debt collectors and their cronies who infest various message boards spewing their spam, insults and filth can and do sink. They will stop at nothing to berate others while trying to elevate their own perceived worth.

Thursday, February 17, 2005

CREDITWRENCH wins again!

CREDITWRENCH catches Uncle Normie redhanded again!

Here is the story, the real truth, not some misleading information brewed up out of a whine (mis-spelling intentional) bottle. Here is what he claimed to be truth.

E. Normis
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Posted: February 17 2005 at 1:12am | IP Logged Report Post Quote E. Normis

Creditwrench wrote:

One reason the people I talked to might not know about that law is that Normie is quoting old law.

False and misleading. I quoted Title 46 annotated Nov 1, 2001. last update.

Creditwrench wrote:
Title 46 might very well have been superceded since 1999 which was the last time Oklahoma laws have been put up on the internet.

False and misleading. As anyone can plainly read, they were updated on the internet December 2004. Just 2 months ago.

Then again, maybe you live in a different Oklahoma. Better check your GPS watchamacallit.

And here is the real truth.

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Posted: February 17 2005 at 10:28am | IP Logged Quote Creditwrench


False and misleading. As anyone can plainly read, they were updated on the internet December 2004. Just 2 months ago.

Then again, maybe you live in a different Oklahoma. Better check your GPS watchamacallit.

Yes, I did check my whatchamacallit this morning. But first I called up several senators and representatives that I know and all were in session this morning. Likely going to be there most if not all the day and then Friday there are no sessions so Senators & Reps all split for the weekend. We would be waiting until heaven only knows for the real answers.

So I called a "whatchamallit" by the name of Don Timberlake here in OKC who was recommended to me by another attorney as being someone who does a lot of mortgage foreclosure stuff. One thing I noticed was that the first thing I got when his phone picked up was the standard debt collector notification found on every dunning letter that consumers get. "Any information obtained will be used for that purpose"

Then I got the secretary and finally to Don Timberlake who was most helpful.

Yes, Title 46 is valid law but almost nobody uses it because there is a clause in it that states that anytime a consumer files a demand for hearing under title 46 he gets it.

Title 46 foreclosures are much quicker than more normal ones and only take 60 days to bring to fruition.

But lenders won't use it because of the clause that says the consumer can demand judicial hearing and get it so worst case, the mortgage holder goes to sell the property 60 days later and finds out that on the 59th day the consumer has filed demand for judicial hearing and the mortgage holder has to start all over and go do it the normal way.

He just wasted 60 days. So although Normie was right in theory, his advice was very misleading. Normie claims that on my blog I said the following.
On one of his credit repair blogs, CREDITWRENCH CEO Bill Bauer claims that because of his knowledge to vacate a judgment he would never have to worry about having a foreclosure on his house.....again.
and now we have the proof that as usual I was right and Normie was just giving out more of his misleading information.

As usual he thought he had me trapped that time and thought he could make me look like a fool. As usual, he just got kicked in the testicles and is left holding the bag.

As usual, he is proven to be nothing but a damn fool braying jackass getting his dumb ideas out of a whine bottle.

He will never learn.


Never believe a braying jackass. Doing so will lead you into false beliefs and dangerous situations.
Just imagine that I had asked him for information about how to keep a house that was being foreclosed on by one of his "Non-judicial foreclosure" mortgage holders and I didn't do my homework, just moved out and let them have it without a fight. I'd be on the streets homeless whereas if I did my research like I keep on telling people to do then I would find out that I could wait 2 more months, file demand for a judicial hearing and that could take them another 3 to 6 months to get a hearing and then at least a few more days to get me actually moved out.

I'd file it even if I knew I was going to lose because I could save up the money I would have been paying on the house and go find someplace else to live. Sure I might get a judgment against me and then I could probably find something wrong with the way they did it and file motion to vacate the judgment, maybe even appeal that if it got denied. I could actually drag the thing out for years if I really wanted to. I know of at least one person who called me the other day and claimed that he had been dragging them through the courts for 6 years, living in the house and never paid a crying dime in all the 6 years.

While what he claimed may be true, don't think I would want to try to drag it out for that long.
But an extra 60 days or so simply by filing demand for judicial hearing?? You bet. In a heartbeat. And when the hearing day got there I'd be long gone if I really didn't want to fight in the first place that is.

Listen to fools like Normie and they will lead you astray every time.

And now he finally learns his lesson. Gets it handed to him real good by GOOGLE.

E. Normis
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Posted: February 17 2005 at 11:34am | IP Logged Report Post Quote E. Normis

Creditwrench wrote:

anytime a consumer files a demand for hearing under title 46 he gets it.

Can everyone in Oklahoma be wrong about nonjudicial foreclosure proceedings? So far 3 senators, 5 mortgage company's, 1 sheriff, and a partridge in a pear tree.

I will post my response to your attorneys mistaken understanding of statute on my blog. As soon as I figure out who broke it. Keep getting messages from blogger about TOS violations. WTF is a TOS? Some kind of salad?

You see, first of all he calls a prominent attorney a partridge in a pear tree and then asks what it was that got his lying carcass thrown off of blogger and his great "creditwrench truth machine" shut down for good because he was violating their terms of service. Now he wants to know what the heck is a TOS, some kind of salad he thinks? Yeah, Normie, and your sour grapes was all that was in the salad and they rubbed it right in your stupid face.

YEP! Creditwrench got him at last. Never pays to try to break ones TOS agreement. If he had read it and understood what he read then all of this might not have ever happened.

Sorry, Normie but it looks like your jackass tricks just caught up with you.