Creditwrench teaches Search Engine Optimization
CREDITWRENCH teaches Uncle Normie
Search Engine Optimization techniquesJust as CREDITWRENCH is an expert on FDCPA he is also an expert in SEO or Search Engine Optimization techniques. Maybe if Uncle Normie can slow down his topic switching long enough to listen instead of braying so much he might just learn something.
Today he has promised us he would expose CREDITWRENCH CEO Bill Bauer on 3 different topics. Here is his latest one.
I was just wondering why CREDITWRENCH CEO Bill Bauer continually changes postions on what exactly it is he offers for the price he charges. Perhaps the meta tags on his website will provide some insight.
His CREDITWRENCH.COM meta tags include the key words of:
free credit repair, credit repair, legal credit repair, credit repair tactics.
Interesting. Next let's explore exactly what the courts have deemed a credit repair enterprise versus what CREDITWRENCH CEO Bill Bauer claims he does.I was just wondering why CREDITWRENCH CEO Bill Bauer continually changes postions
First of all, CREDITWRENCH has at least taught Uncle Normie what meta tags are and a little bit about how they are used. It has indeed been a laborious task trying to teach the thick headed jackass anything at all but apparently at least a few concepts stick after I have beat him with them a sufficient number of times. He obviously hasn't learned much but every litter bit helps.
Meta tags are what search engines used to search for in order to determine what search terms a webmaster wanted to be listed under. That is not so any more. Very few search engines use meta tags anymore with the exception of the title tag. That one is very important and should normally be packed with as many keywords as possible. Most webmasters never did understand the proper use of meta tags and were always putting in idiotic stuff that had no relationship at all to the content of their webpages.
Obviously Normie understands that part of it real well since nothing he puts in his silly rants bears any relationship to the truth of the matter anyway.
Meta tags were often packed with keywords and phrases that had no real relationship with what the webpage was really about for the simple reason that back then people who searched for credit repair didn't actually understand the process at all and for the newbies just coming on to the internet that is still true. They have heard of credit repair on radio and TV but have no idea what it is all about or how to go about it.
A web page such as the ones owned by CREDITWRENCH didn't stand a chance of getting a decent listing in the rankings unless they used keywords and phrases that the newbies could relate to. That is no longer true because search engines no longer use the meta tags to compile their listings, yet even though meta tags are now more or less useless they still remain because webmasters such as CREDITWRENCH who have thousands of pages left over from the old days simply don't have the time to chase them down and either change them or erase them.
CREDITWRENCH has more than 4,000 webpages out there and many more are being generated each and every day. I'm sure you don't understand how that can be true but I generate many webpages every day without ever lifting a finger to do so. All happens automatically.
Uncle Normie is so stupid and knows so little about search engines and how they operate that he runs out and signs up for a blog without ever knowing a thing about how to properly name and operate one and like the damned dumb jackass he is he has to steal someone else's trade name and add some dreamed up crap to it and then start posting all manner of nonsense on it. Then he gets out his crack pipe, stokes it up and runs off to the search engines putting in silly stuff like the stolen name of his great new blog as a search term and naturally comes up #1 on top.
Then he runs off to message boards and posts the following:
#1 and loudly proclaims that he is winning the search engine race against the great CREDITWRENCH but his problem is that he is so stupid he don't realize that nobody at all is going to search for the term CREDITWRENCH-THETRUTH
Too stupid to understand that people will never use that as a search term. Too stupid to understand that he is only #1 for a search term that nobody will ever use.
If you want to claim you are good, number one on top you need to understand that you have no claim to fame until you can put your rival's name in a search engine like YAHOO and come up #1 and #2 over your rival for his own name.
When you can do that then you can say you are good!
One thing Normie is smart enough to do is to realize that if he can't win one argument then he better go get another one. And when he discovers he can't win that one he gets out his crack pipe and pops up with another one, ad infinitium, ad nauseum.
Normie will never learn that he is up against an expert in many fields, not just one and too stupid to realize that the smart thing to do would be to just give it up and go sit on his welfare paid for couch and watch TV.
As I told you before, Normie, if you can't run with the big dogs best you just stay home and hide out under the porch. All you seem good at so far is refreshing your counter as fast as you can.
You seem to have punched it at least 380 times so far in the last 24 hours. I got about 54 hits today on my silly bean counter but we both know that is not telling the whole story.
The real truth is that you can't possibly have had anywhere near 380 hits for the very simple reason that my creditwrench blog got 221 hits today and that blog gets way more hits than yours will ever get. That's how I can prove you are just sitting there on your welfare couch and banging the day away just to run up your silly bean counter.
You ought to be ashamed of yourself for trying to pull the wool over people's eyes and giving out all that false and misleading information Normie.
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