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This blog is dedicated to illustrating the depths of depravity to debt collectors and their cronies who infest various message boards spewing their spam, insults and filth can and do sink. They will stop at nothing to berate others while trying to elevate their own perceived worth.

Sunday, February 13, 2005

CREDITWRENCH accused of credit repair schemes

CREDITWRENCH is often falsely accused

of running a credit repair scam among other things.

The latest con artist attempting to do so has said

In my prior post I brought to light one of the methods Bill Bauer
proposes to repair credit Regarding this particular method of
credit repair he claims "I've never had it fail yet." That statement is an
obvious lure for an unwary consumer to subscribe to his credit repair methods.

As usual, those who attempt to villify others and present them in false lights usually come up with highly inflamatory statements that are untruthful, deceitful, and misleading. Creditwrench illustrates the techniques used by those attempting to further their own agendas in his article of February 12, 2005 in which he describes the likelihood of America being involved in yet another war of agression against Iran and how it is being promoted.

"Weapons of Mass Destruction"

they cry and loose the dogs of war once more.

And here is why it will fail in the end.

All wealth has it's limits and that is an axiom that is as old as civilization itself. Americans are being hit with ever increasing tax burdens to pay for it and also being asked to pay for it with the lives of their sons and daughters. America is not exempt from the fact that we have only a limited amount of wealth, a limited number of lives to give before the American people will stand for it no more.

"Credit Repair Scam"

they cry and loose their prattling tongues once more.

And here is why it will fail in the end.

does not sell credit repair information.

has never claimed to know anything about credit repair and has always denounced the garbage of those who think they do.

The antics of the latest boob falsely claiming that sells credit repair information are really hilarious to say the least. He is trying to scam people into believing his ludicrous tales of popularity by putting up a free hit counter on his blog. He just put it there late yesterday and when he put it up there it showed that 2335 people had visited his blog the instant it became visible. And that is the figure he said he wanted the counter to start with. Then he sat in his little chair and kept hitting the refresh button until last night at midnight it falsely showed that 2466 people had visited the blog. And here it is, 9:00 A.M. and he has refreshed his page enough to make it show that 2522 people have visited his blog.

In order to prove his perfidity, I went to the same place he got his counter and set one up too and I set mine to show that 5450 people have visited this blog in the beginning and at this time it now shows 5457 people have visited this board and most of those 7 people have been the enormis jackass clicking on it to see what I have written about him.

How do we know that there isn't a crying chance that 131 people have visited his blog overnight? There are two ways we can know that. The first is the false counter I put up on this blog and the second is his hilariously funny statement that he is #1 on top for the search term "CREDITWRENCH-THETRUTH".

Why is it so funny that he is #1 and #2 on top for that search term? Here is why. Nobody is going to search for that term. If anybody really wanted to know the truth about they would obviously put just exactly that in the search box. Common sense tells us that nobody is going to search for "creditwrench-thetruth"
and even if they do he will only have the top two slots while I got all the rest.

Uncle Normie is nothing more than a braying jackass.

If you have been ripped off by a credit repair firm you can complain here

If you have been mislead by the false and misleading statements of Uncle Normie all you can do is cry alot and send him an email complaing about it.