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This blog is dedicated to illustrating the depths of depravity to debt collectors and their cronies who infest various message boards spewing their spam, insults and filth can and do sink. They will stop at nothing to berate others while trying to elevate their own perceived worth.

Sunday, January 23, 2005

Alphabet Soup

E. Normis
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Posted: December 24 2004 at 11:18am | IP Logged Report Post

Looks like now we'll be spending xmas at the hospital. I took Derek's advice and had my 86 year old mother take sudafed before boarding her flight. Unbeknownst to me, or my poor mother, you can't take sudafed if you have pulmunary hypertension, which she does. At least that's what the attending physician in the emergency room has now told me.

Hopefully she will recover from this, and live to see next Christmas so we can do what we had planned this year.

While my religion does not permit me to say what I think of the enormis braying donkey I sincerely hope that if his mother ever recovers from his advice that she runs out from beneath his front porch and bites him.

Hydraulis writes

Posted: January 22 2005 at 4:35pm | IP Logged Report Post Quote Hydraulis

Dear Sir or Madam, My name is (Joe, Uncle Normie, BILLS etc) and you are about to feel the wrath of a good old fashioned web-based tongue lashing via my particularly malicous metacarpals. Feel the BURN STIFFLER!!

Gafaw! I mean.. *coughs*.. What ... what a loser. I mean.. what have you done lately? Enough about you lets talk about me. *adjusts glasses* Did you know you're talking to captain of his highschool forensics and slow-pitch tee-ball team here?

You better yield to me or, well, I'm gonna type more anonymous comments and never reveal my true identity, for I'm pure pussy, hiding behind this here terminal.

My wife won't let me push the two twin beds together for a lil hanky panky anymore, plus I got bills up the wazzoo, so I'm gonna take out my frustrations on you!


P.S. You have made exactly 12 spelling errors and 36 errors in punctuation in the past 4 months. ROFL, OMFG, ALL THE ASTROGLIDE IN THE WORLD CAN'T HELP ME!

Just goes to show you that no matter how you cut it, debt collectors are an alphabet soup of jackassery.

Here is another question from another dumb debt collector.

"Is there a general answer regarding call strategies for 3rd party collectors that collect on average balances of only $370 with an average contingency of 33%?"

That means that they collect about 1/3 of the debts they get from their client creditors to collect on. That is true regardless of what the average balance of their accounts might be. Many can' t even do that good. So why should you let them browbeat you into being among the dumb 33% or less that pay them and end up getting their credit reports scalded as their "thank you" note?

And so the idiots play on. Here is some more of the crap. Sure does teach us what the level of intelligence of debt collectors is, don't it?

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Posted: January 22 2005 at 4:22pm | IP Logged Report Post Quote Hydraulis

E Normis, so ruff and tuff behind a computer screen. Hide away lil man.

You'd be crying like a Mayan bitch after a losing game of el juego de pelota if I got my hands on your personal info.

Average Joe wrote:

this Anna Nicole of the message boards is the NUMBER ONE POSTER by number of [meaningless] posts here..

Still so funny that you can't grasp the concept of goofing off at work. I got paid good money to post most of that crap, either way I'm stuck on a computer for 10 hrs a day. Jackass.