Uncle Normie and false and misleading information
In a manner not atypical of the finger pointing moron, Uncle Normie once again attempted to evade the question with the following post on his message board which was immediately echoed on Robert Paisola's history tracker which shows up as soon as Cheapshot Normie posts something.
Here is what the history tracker reported that Cheapshot wrote on his blog.
In this recent post, Western Capital CEO Robert Paisola toots his own horn about what makes him a great mentor. Gee, identical to the words of Danielle Kennedy. I wonder if Danielle is aware of this plagiarism. I'll ask.
But when we go to Normie's blog we find that he even plagerized the name of his blog!
Then goes on to state the following there.
Define Success
More material plagiarized by Western Capital CEO Robert Paisola.Compare:
JoAnna Carey, The Rat Race Relaxer, Thu Dec 8th, 2005 08:44:28 PM
Article by Robert Paisola
Western Capital CEO Robert Paisola's internet postings are nothing more than cut and paste jobs, using other legitmate and successful business peoples intellectual property.
He steals, then attempts to sell you his stolen goods.
Typical MO of a con-man and scam artist.
Normie is so punch drunk he can't even pay attention. Gets things confused. Neither of the two articles he refers to say anything about Danielle Kennedy!
Then in his rush to judgment and defamation he offers no proof whatever as to who actually wrote the article in the first place. He leaves it to our imaginations fueled by his probably false accusation that it was not JoAnna Carey who did the plagerizing but rather Robert Paisola!
Rather than having the integrity to do his homework before jumping to conclusions he makes the claim that his victim did the dirty deed and hopes that his readers will take his word for it and believe all that he says.
-thetruth is that nobody who has the mental prowess to stop and think would accept the words of the pot calling the kettle black.
Danielle Kennedy
Joanna Carey
Labels: cheapshot, con-man, Normie, obscene, plagerist, scam artist
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